CycleWand’s philosophy is cleaner, healthier, sustainable living. Our aim is to reduce and help others reduce stresses we place on natural resources.
An unremitting quest for green alternatives motivates everything we do.
CycleWand is the first bike shop in the UK to join the “1% for the Planet” movement.
A conscientious business
Sustainable has become a buzz word in recent years. However, the majority of businesses are far from sustainable and very few are actually beneficial to the planet. This is why CycleWand Brighton deliberately classes itself as a “conscientious” business. We are constantly seeking and implementing more eco friendly ways of working, with like-minded people.
Our vision & mission
To become sustainable and beneficial for the planet. To offer products and services that inspire and initiate solutions to environmental problems.
We use less harmful oils and sprays on our repairs and servicing, and source these from people who have values aligned with ours. We are constantly seeking local suppliers of more environmentally bike products. If this is you, please get in touch.

Our Business Model
Bikes are an environmentally friendly mode of transport and past time that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, we are very aware of the carbon footprint that each bike creates in its production, packaging and delivery, and in the waste that is produced at the end of its life.
- Bicycle: 65gCO2e/passenger-km
- Car: 300gCO2e/passenger-km
(Ref: https://keith.seas.harvard.edu/blog/climate-impacts-biking-vs-driving)
That is why our business model favours repairs and maintenance. When you purchase a new bike from us, we encourage trade-ins so that we can refurbish/recycle your old bike and find it a loving new home, rather than the landfill site it would otherwise be destined for.

Here’s what “1% for the Planet” say in their book “Going Out is Going In”:
Turns out saving the world is one thing everyone can agree on, and that’s exactly what 1% for the Planet is doing. 1% for the Planet sits right in the intersection of business and the environment, realising that companies have a critical role to play in protecting the planet, and that more of them should. The way it works is simple: Member companies of 1% for the Planet give 1% of sales, every year directly to causes they care about. That’s no small feat.
With more than 1200 member companies spread across the globe, the 1% for the Planet to date has given over $175 Million to 3000 environmental non-profits.
When you see the 1% for the Planet logo, you know you’re supporting a committed business, and can be secure in the knowledge that a portion of your money spent will influence positive environmental change on the scale that’s needed to protect and restore the places we work and play.
We can’t think of a more noble cause.
Social responsibility
By joining the “1% for the Planet” movement, CycleWand contributes 1% of each and every transaction to support environmental non-profit organisations. This is an extremely exciting initiative and we hope many other businesses will follow suit.